Recognition and Awards by EIEAS
Global Recognition Digital Awards by EIEAS
In today’s modern era, digital recognition and industry-specific awards have gained immense popularity. If you are looking to elevate your status—whether as an individual or a business entity—EIEAS Digital Recognition and Awards provide the perfect opportunity to shine.

The EIEAS Digital Recognition and Awards are directed, processed, and managed by The EIEAS Recognition & Awards Granting Committee Members, assessors who serve as blind peer reviewers and judges. These distinguished professionals include internationally recognized educators, assessors, leaders, and honorary EIEAS Board Members.

EIEAS recognition and awards offer several benefits:

For Individuals: Stand out from the crowd, gain international recognition, and inspire others with your accomplishments.
For Teams: Motivate your members to strive for greater success and encourage a culture of excellence.
For Businesses: Increase brand awareness, position yourself as a leader in your industry, and significantly impact the growth of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by earning a prestigious EIEAS Digital Award.

The PRAISE Model: A Framework for Recognition
The PRAISE Model, inspired by Gordon Tredgold, is widely recognized for its impact on fostering a culture of continuous improvement. As Tredgold stated:
“What gets recognized gets repeated.”

His approach emphasizes that creating recognition is key to sustaining growth and excellence. While some individuals may feel uncomfortable with public praise, the vast majority actively seek acknowledgment from international and national institutions for their achievements.

Tredgold outlines six essential elements of effective recognition:

Public: Praise should be given publicly whenever possible, as it not only boosts the recipient’s self-esteem but also encourages others. However, criticism should always be handled privately.

Recognition: Clearly highlight the individual and their specific contributions, ensuring that their efforts are acknowledged.

Authentic: Praise should be genuine and sincere. Inauthentic recognition can backfire and negatively impact motivation.

Immediate: The effectiveness of praise is maximized when it is given as soon as possible after an achievement. Delayed recognition may raise doubts and reduce its impact.

Specific: Clearly define what is being praised and why. The more specific the recognition, the higher the likelihood that the positive behavior will be repeated.

Enthusiastic: How praise is delivered is just as important as what is said. Enthusiasm is contagious—when leaders express genuine excitement, it motivates both the recipient and those witnessing the praise.

EIEAS and Global Recognition Models
EIEAS is familiar with various internationally renowned recognition models, including:
Reach Society
Global Recognition Awards

However, EIEAS differentiates itself by addressing barriers to international recognition, such as visa restrictions, financial constraints, and geographical limitations. By offering digital awards, EIEAS ensures that deserving individuals and organizations receive recognition without the need for physical presence. This not only saves time and money but also helps fulfill dreams and aspirations.

Recognition through EIEAS Digital Awards can inspire recipients to achieve new heights in their personal, professional, and business endeavors.

Global Perspectives on Recognition

According to UTSA.EDU, “recognizing employees for their contributions fosters a positive work environment. Effective recognition should be: Personal, Relevant, Authentic, Immediate, Specific and Empowering.”

According to ReachSociety, Reach Society offers two categories of recognition. “Self-Development Awards for children and young adults. Extraordinary Contributions & Long-Service Awards for individuals who have made a lasting impact on society. Nominations for these awards are welcome from parents, mentors, teachers, youth workers, and others who engage with young people regularly.”

The Power of Praise in Leadership and Project Management
Can praise be an effective leadership tool?
Research suggests that recognition significantly impacts team morale, productivity, and overall success. Leaders, including project managers, can leverage praise to:

Boost motivation and engagement.
Reinforce positive behaviors and high performance.
Encourage innovation and creativity.
Strengthen team dynamics and loyalty.
When implemented effectively, praise is a powerful leadership strategy that can drive individual and organizational success.

CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS:   e-mail:  , Please don’t forget to mention in the Email subject :   For EIEAS Digital Recognition and Awards.


How Recognition and Awards Works , leads:

 Awards & Recognition | People Excellence | UTSA | University of Texas at San Antonio

Recognition Awards | Reach Society

Global Recognition Awards™ | A Competitive Edge For Business